Should I buy a petrol, a cordless or an electric powered chainsaw?

Petrol Cordless and Electric chainsaws all offer different benefits and choosing the right one is very important. 
Much of this is covered elsewhere in ‘How Powerful A Chainsaw Do I Need?However, here are a few things to consider which may influence your decision.

What sort of work are you contemplating? 
  • Making firewood? 
  • Pruning?
  • Clearing heavy brush?
  • Clearing brush or large-scale hedge work?
  • Felling (cutting down trees)?
  • Bucking & Limbing (cutting logs from the trunk and branches from standing or felled trees?

Other considerations…

If you are using the chainsaw to make firewood, how many fires/wood burners do you have to feed?

How often will you use your chainsaw?

Will you always be using it within the reach of mains electricity?
How much moving around will you be doing?

Will you want to use it outside or inside or both?

Are you cutting hard or soft wood?

What is your budget?

Do you have the space to carry out maintenance?

Are you in an urban, suburban or rural environment? 

Do you live close to your neighbours?

How physically strong are you/the person using the chainsaw?
These considerations may help you decide, not just whether to buy a petrol a cordless or an electric chainsaw, but what sort of chainsaw you should choose, as the variety in terms of features, power and size is vast. 
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